Jan 13, 2009


Here is a link to a gigantic Last Supper image. Look again. We are told "the answer is staring us in the face."


Anonymous said...

I don't get this but I have to wonder why the space between Lee and Tigh and what is the cup for? Did anyone ever drink from that cup in any episode??

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

perhaps their hands are sign language letters?

Anonymous said...

Ive always wondered if it has something to do with the position of their feet.

Bubba Fett said...

***Spoiler Alert***
You may have been on to something Imperial Leader. The cup may symbolize the one used by Ellen Tigh when Col. Tigh poisened her. At the end of 'Sometimes a Great Notion' she was revealed to be the final Cylon model.

Anonymous said...

Furthermore, on the left of the cup: Laura, Natalie, Tigh.

L N Tigh

Anonymous said...

Seems like a stretch with the L N

killajulz said...

Yeah, I totally agree with Bubba. Should have read this before I posted by last comment, but in hindsight, I sort of feel stupid for not figuring this out earlier.